Amidst the devastating California wildfires, a beloved cat goes missing, causing anguish for her owners. Nine Thousand Years


The November 2018 California fires have been devastating. Besides the tragic loss of nearly 100 people, many pets were also lost in the fires, their destiny unknown. Luckily, some were reunited with their owners just like Timber, a beautiful cat that went missing for a month before her owners found her.

Timber is a special cat for the Werblows. Courtney Werblow and her family love their pet very much. Seven years ago when a tree fell and destroyed Courtney’s parents’ home, they moved into a new rental and found a cat who lived on the property. From thereon, Timber became their new pet.

When the fires in California started more than a month ago, Courtney and her family had to flee the scene quickly. They packed some essentials and took their dog, but Timber was nowhere to be found. Although heartbroken, they were evacuated without the cat. Weeks later, the Werblows wanted to go back for Timber, but it just wasn’t safe. A month after the fire, though, they went back to their home in Paradise and lo and behold, Timber was there! The cat rushed through the woods behind their house and jumped into Courtney’s hands!

They couldn’t believe what they were seeing and couldn’t contain their tears. It was an emotional reunion with their favorite pet. Courtney gave Timber something to eat and a bit of water as it was clear it was hungry.

The reunion was filmed and Courtney shared it with the world. After so much loss, both the Werblows and Timber deserved such a touching moment.

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